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  一、General entry requirements on a Bachelor's degree or ongoing studies

  To be eligible an applicant must either be a holder of - or be enrolled in his/her last year of studies leading to - a Bachelor's degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Architecture.



  Note: The Master's programme in Entrepreneurship and Business Design is the exception to this rule as this programme admits applicants with Bachelor's degrees from other fields as well.


  1.The degree must be equivalent to a Bachelor's degree (Kandidatexamen) according to Swedish regulations. It must, amongst other parameters, comprise a minimum of 3 years of full time studies (180 credits).


  2.Applicants who are currently enrolled are welcome to apply given that they, at the time of applying, have a maximum of one semester left before completing their degree. They must anticipate completing their Bachelor's degree before the start of the Master's programme.


  3.Applicants who are currently enrolled in long Tertiary Education Programmes with no intermediate Bachelor's degree must have completed at least 80% (i.e. four of five years) of a full Master's programme before the start of the Chalmers Master's programme applied for, in order to be eligible.


  Applicants who are currently enrolled in long educational programmes with no intermediate Bachelor's degree in a Nordic Country are required to have completed at least 3 years out of 5 of a full Master's programme, in accordance with the “Reykjavik act” of 2004.


  二、Programme-specific requirements

  Programme-specific requirements include a Bachelor's degree (or the equivalent) and prerequisites (one or several courses selected as necessary for the specific programme) and for three particular programmes a portfolio is required.



  Applicants are responsible for proving that they fulfill the specific course requirements of the programme/s, to which they have applied. The content and focus of these particular courses must be clearly conveyed in the course names in your transcript. If this is not the case, a course syllabus (course description) must be submitted to prove that you fulfill the specific course requirements. The syllabus must be issued by the university.


  Cumulative average of the maximum grade

  The term cumulative average grade is synonymous with cumulative grade point average (CGPA).



  In order to be eligible for Master's programmes at Chalmers applicants are generally required to have attained at least a 70% cumulative average of the maximum grade during their Bachelor's studies. Exemptions from this requirement may be granted in exceptional cases when a combination of other elements of the application (i.e. a high average grade in courses that are required or recommended by the Master's programme applied for, CV, letter of motivation, letters of recommendation, international ranking of their home University, relevant internship/work experience, etc.) are perceived to be sufficiently extraordinary to compensate for a lower cumulative average grade than the 70% minimum.


  If the cumulative average grade is not provided as a percentage on an official University document a conversion into percentage will be made by Chalmers.

  Please note that fulfillment of the minimum grade requirement does not necessarily guarantee that you will be admitted, as admission to Chalmers is subject to place availability and the general overall strength of your application, in addition to fulfilling other entry requirements.


